Members of the National Animal Supplement Council (NASC) are concerned and committed manufacturers of animal health supplements across the globe. Together they endeavor to improve the quality of these products sold to consumers for the benefit of their horses, cats, dogs and other companion animals.

NASC’s overriding goal is to promote the health and well-being of non-human food chain animals that are given animal health supplements by their owners, and to protect and enhance the integrity of the animal health product industry.
The cornerstone of NASC’s mission is to work cooperatively with state, federal and international government officials to create a legislative and regulatory environment that provides a framework that is fair, reasonable, responsible, and nationally consistent.
Such an environment of safety, accuracy and quality serves the interests of NASC’s members by ensuring that ethical manufacturing and labeling practices are complied with throughout the industry.
All NASC members are required to undergo a rigorous independent audit of their facilities. Upon completion of this audit, members are then able to display the NASC Seal of Quality to show consumers they are committed to the “highest current standards of quality in the industry today.”
NASC advocates and collectively enforces Good Manufacturing Practice Quality Standards in manufacturing, labeling and marketing animal health supplements. In addition, NASC members establish fair and reasonable paths to fund and facilitate the collection and dissemination of statistically significant research as well as actively participate in programs of continual vigilance ensuring the quality of ingredients in these products.
Through its diverse, member-directed activities, NASC brings about understanding among manufacturers, retailers, distributors, federal and state regulators, veterinarians, the media and animal owners about the importance of safe, high quality products for the health and well-being of companion animals.

NASC – Regulators
From the beginning our objective has been to, “engage the regulatory agencies, at both the State and Federal levels and establish a system of regulatory oversight that is fair, reasonable, responsible, consistent and transparent.”
They have worked very constructively and cooperatively with theFood & Drug Administration, Center for Veterinary Medicine (FDA/CVM), many State Regulators, associations recommending regulatory policy like the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO), the Veterinary Drugs Directorate (VDD) – Health Canada to name a few. Without the help and cooperation of the regulatory agencies our many collective successes would not be possible and we thank them for our positive working relationship. These efforts will certainly continue and expand to other countries in the world. We can all be very proud of the foundation we have created and the progress we have made together.