FDA Disclaimer: The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Please consult your healthcare professional about potential interactions or other possible complications before using any product.
While both full spectrum oil and isolate (pure CBD) both have benefits to them because they contain CBD, it is important to take a deeper look into what is or isn’t in your tincture.
Many people know that CBD is an amazing cannabinoid that is changing people’s lives everywhere, but did you know that there are minor cannabinoids that can come along side CBD to be more effective for your health? These minor cannabinoids (CBDv, CBG, CBN and CBC) can only be found in some full spectrum oils. All of which play a unique role in our bodies.
As the research grows around these minor cannabinoids, we are learning that they can further target specific conditions to increase the benefits of CBD. Which is why it is important to know what other compounds are in your tincture.
Keep in mind although a lot of the research around these minor cannabinoids is pre-clinical in nature and doesn’t get much credit from a clinical stand point. It is good information to obtain and educate yourself on.